4 May 2008

Haredim boycott 'Zionist' snacks

Israel News

Haredim boycott 'Zionist' snacks
Haredi Community's leaders urge their public not to buy products adorned with Israeli flag 'or any other symbol that advocates Zionist idolatry'

Nissan Shtrauchler


The Haredi Community, an ultra-Orthodox communal organization which strongly opposes Zionism, declared a consumers' boycott on leading Israeli food brands that have been adorned with the Israeli flag in honour of the country's 60th birthday.

These products include sugar, oil and peanut butter snacks, which are now marketed in special editions with packages that have been redesigned to include the blue and white flag.

In notices distributed across Jerusalem this weekend, the hardei public was urged not to buy any product that carries the flag or any other symbol "that advocates Zionist idolatry."

A source in the community, which numbers some 7,500 households, said:
"It is a well-known fact that the Haredy Community opposes Zionism. It is unacceptable for companies that use our kashrut authorization to use this against us and promote these messages among us."
Meanwhile, a large group of prominent haredi rabbis is calling for a boycott of Independence Day celebrations, fearing they might encourage promiscuity.

"All those who fear God and are concerned for their sons' and daughters' education – will prevent their family from attending these places or participating in mixed dancing," the rabbis wrote in notices published last week. "Whoever transgresses from these prohibitions will be committing severe sins that carry severe punishment," they stated



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