20 April 2008

KGB Chief Gains Three MK`s in the Knesset


Filed under Opinion Editorials, Conspiracies, Knesset members, Israeli elections, Russian Jewish - on
Saturday, October 04, 2008
By: Greenfield, Daniel

With Putin stooge Arkady Gaydamak having bought three Pensioners Party MK's(itself a phony party with no interest in pensioners created solely to prop up Kadima), Russia, which is supplying Israel's enemies with the tools to destroy Israel, will now also enjoy having its own Knesset Members in the legislature of the country it is striving to destroy.

The closest analogy to this state of affairs would be if Nazi Germany in 1933 had its own board members in the Jewish Agency.

But Gaydamak isn't done yet. Putin's rubles are buying more than just three Knesset members, the full plan extends to a quorum of 18, making Gaydamak's front "Social Justice" party one of Israel's leading parties and giving Putin control over what may well be Israel's third largest party.

Sharon and Rabin blatantly set the tone for this kind of demolition derby politics, buying and selling Knesset members and carving up entire parties, in order to maintain coalitions that would promote their appeasement and surrender policies, in opposition to the will of the Israeli people.

Long gone are the days when Begin turned his back on Flatto Sharon. Gaydamak's Social Justice party is just Flatto Sharon's Development and Peace party rerun all over again. But Gaydamak is more than just a petty crook like Flatto Sharon,
  • he's a criminal agent of the Russian government, which is
  • supplying nuclear equipment to Iran,
  • building a port for its fleet in Syria and
  • supplying weapons to Hizbollah, Hamas and Fatah.
None of this however troubles Olmert in the least. To stay in power, Kadima's band of whores have shown that they will do anything and after all Putin has the same aim and ambitions that he does, the destruction of Israel.

Gaydamak's Social Justice party, like Flatto Sharon's party, cynically pretends to right wing populism, while aiming for power in order to promote an entirely different agenda. Gaydamak knows his best bet is to exploit the dissatisfaction of the Israeli public with a corrupt political system that seems to have very little interest in the welfare of the average man by showcasing his abilities as a businessman to get things done when the government can't. Every time Gaydamak made a prominent donation or a calculated purchase, like Beitar, he was buying votes and now he's made his first down payment on his very own Knesset Members without even waiting for an election.

Their ultimate purpose will be to provide cover for any government willing to complete the handover of Jerusalem and in the short term fill the "Shas Gap" once Shas is forced to leave the coalition, so by the time that Shas does resign, it will be too late.

The enemy is now closer than ever and Israel's inability to get its own house in order has brought out the vultures to feed. From Muslim Terrorists to Russian Intelligence to Messianic "Jewish" groups to organized crime, the carrion eaters are growing in number and attracted by Israel's weakness have come to feed. Some want to kill, some want to rob and loot, both property and Jewish people. Their very presence is a sign of rot just as maggots crawling across a body is a sign of both disease and neglect.

While many politicians are busy scrambling for power, too few are actually doing what needs to be done, reaching out and unifying the public on terms they can understand. And if the few good leaders out there fail to do this, the bad will be more than happy to, as Gaydamak demonstrates for us.

There is a narrowing window in which Israel can get back on its feet, fight off its enemies and clean its own house. If it fails to do that, the history of Bayit Sheni eloquently spells out the end. A slow death as a colonized vassal state or a quick one in a desperate last ditch struggle, betrayed from within.

Daniel Greenfield is an Israeli-born artist, writer and freelance commentator on political affairs with a special focus on Jewish concerns and the war on terror.


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