3 August 2007

Removal of Roadblocks and Checkpoints in the West Bank - June 2007

Based on Btselem and Ocha data

• Total Number of Roadblocks and Checkpoints: 560
Manned Checkpoints - 93
(16.61% of total)
Permanent Roadblocks (Gates, cement blocks, earth mount) - 467 (83.39% of total)
Total - 560

• Total Number of Manned Checkpoints: 93
Checkpoint into Israel - 35
(37.63% of total)
Internal Checkpoint - 43 (46.24% of total)
Internal Checkpoint in Hebron - 15 (16.13% of total)
Total 93

Internal Checkpoints
More than half of the manned checkpoints (and almost all of the roadblocks) are internal, and are not the last point before entry into Israel. As such no Palestinian can pass through these roadblocks/checkpoints without passing another checkpoint before entering Israeli territory. Thus there is no immediate security necessity in order to prevent a terror infiltration into Israel.
These roadblocks restrict the freedom of movement for the majority of Palestinians, as a short journey between areas is turned into a trip with lengthy waiting periods at each checkpoint.

Safety Concerns for the Soldiers
The checkpoint is a dangerous place for the soldiers manning it. Soldiers are required to man one area for lengthy periods of times and come in close contact with the Palestinian population, raising the risk of a suicide attack. Each checkpoint requires at least 6 soldiers per shift for many hours of the day, using a large portion of the army’s personnel.

Examples: Effects of the Roadblocks.

Trip Between Nablus and TulKarem: (Through Rd 557)
Distance: 30 KM
Time of Travel: Around 25 mins on open road (1hour in traffic)
Checkpoints: 2 – Beit Iba and Anabta - around 30min-1hr waiting time on average at each point.
Transportation: Only authorized vehicles allowed to enter Nablus, other cars to be left at entrance to city.
This journey is lengthened another 2 hours as a result of the checkpoints.

Trip Between Nablus and Ramallah:
Original Distance:
47 KM (This main road has been permanently blocked by earth mount between route 60 and 465)
Distance on alternative routes: 52 KM through Bir Zeit or 62 KM through Qalandia
Time of Travel: Approx 1 hour
Checkpoints: 3 – Hawara, Tapuch Junction, Atara or Jaba (Lil)
This journey is lengthened by 1-2 hours as a result of the checkpoints and roadblocks

Between Ramallah and Hebron:
Original Distance:
Around 60Km through East Jerusalem
Distance on alternative routes: 80 KM through Qalandia, Ma'ale Adumim, Wadi Naar, Halhul East, Hebron)
Time of Travel: Approx 1.45 hours (road is windy and narrow)
Checkpoints: 4 –Jaba (Lil), The Container, Halhul East, Halhul Bridge
This journey is lengthened by over 2 hours as a result of the checkpoints

Checkpoints and roadblocks in the West Bank

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