9 June 2007

BBC: 1967 Middle East War

BBC News
1967 Middle East War


Middle East map

Tensions rise in May as UN troops withdraw and Egypt deploys troops in the Sinai and Gaza

Ariel Sharon in the Negev (left); Temple Mount / Haram al-Sharif; King Hussein of Jordan

The 1967 Middle East War, also known as the Six Day War, was the third conflict between Israel and neighbouring Egypt, Jordan and Syria.

The first, in 1948, left East Jerusalem and the River Jordan's West Bank under Jordanian control and the coastal Gaza Strip under Egyptian control.

In 1956, Israel invaded the Gaza Strip and Egypt's Sinai peninsula. Israel was forced to leave the Sinai the following year and a United Nations Emergency Force (Unef) was deployed.

Tensions continued to rise and newly-formed Palestinian militant groups began cross-border raids with Arab support. Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser was keen to unite the Arab world and spoke of "the destruction of Israel", while Israel feared it could be wiped out.

In May 1967, President Nasser demanded the removal of Unef troops from the Sinai, closed the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping and signed a defence pact with Jordan. Some historians question whether Nasser planned to go to war, but all three factors, and Egyptian troop deployment in the Sinai, led to a pre-emptive strike by Israel.

Pre-emptive strike: Israel launches air attacks against Egyptian air bases ahead of a ground offensive

Israeli troops continue their advance into the Sinai and in Jerusalem they take a key position after heavy fighting

Israeli forces capture the Old City in East Jerusalem, Sharm el-Sheikh in the Sinai and towns in the West Bank

Israeli forces take control of the Sinai and reach Suez Canal. IAF jets attack the US Navy's USS Liberty

With the Sinai taken, Israel turns its attention to the Syrian front, and launches attacks on the Golan Heights

Syrian forces in the Golan Heights are defeated and a ceasefire is agreed

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